Custom Textures In DromEd Tutorial Muwhahahaha MAD Scientist!!!! ;D ok lets have some real fun. Now the first thing ureally need to pick up is Bright.exe. What Bright is for conversion of multiple textures to 8-bit palettized format using a specifiable number of shared palettes, keeping the optimal color range. PS I wanted to thank who ever made this
program :D. Ok lets get started, Now cd.. cd /progra~1/thief2/fam/urtexturedirectory/ bright *.bmp -auto N -o -8 -mips -mask 0.0 |
This will convert the bmp files into pcx files that
you need. Once it's done it's thing close msdos prompt and goto the dir where u put ur textures in windows explorer and delete the bmp files.. you won't need them anymore and it makes dromEd hickup so to speak. Ok Dokie once that is done lets goto dromed. Open up a mission that you have been working on.. make sure ur scripts are loaded and ur air brushes have room brushes. Now type in add_family urcustomtexturename "dir name". Then click on the texture and then goto editors>object hierarchy. In object hierarchy click on show tree and scroll down to textures.. Scroll to t_fam/urtexturename and hilight on it and then edit. In there click on add> metaproptery>materials> U can choose the sound that should go with the texture. There will be a second part to this tutorial..... :D Tutorial By ThiefGurl |